#: locale=en ## Media ### Title panorama_2B56CDD6_21E2_00F7_41A6_13F108BA04EB.label = PIC_20240920_140044_20240923125952 ## Skin ### Label Label_3E7FD9D1_2DF5_D8E5_41C6_E733FC0FE8B2.text = Courtesy of the Safety Team at WTP & Melbourne Water ### Multiline Text HTMLText_E570953C_C273_E30E_41D1_F3E4911D19CF.html =
Emergency Access Ramp
Excavation and Trenching Procedure
Good Practice

A ramp has been set up in the event of an emergency, there is adequate means to rescue a person from the excavation.
HTMLText_E45F7636_C1B3_611A_41E2_70DDAB93971D.html =
Emergency Davit Arm
Excavation and Trenching Procedure
Good Practice

A davit arm has been set up in the event of an emergency, there is adequate means to rescue a person from the excavation.
HTMLText_E7DC8B7E_C271_670A_41D8_059FD89659E3.html =
Barricade & Signage
Refer to: 2.E & 2.4

If barricading is being used to protect people from a fall risk, the barricade must be erected at least 2m back from the edge of the excavation.
HTMLText_E780A7FD_C1B3_6F0E_41E8_092EC5A19BDA.html =
Battered Edge
Refer to: 2.1

Battering is where the wall of an excavation is sloped back to a predetermined angle to ensure stability. Battering prevents ground collapse by cutting the excavated face back to a safe slope.
HTMLText_E7445A01_C1B1_20F6_41E0_C29B2AD85ED2.html =
Ladder Access
Refer to: 2.B

All ladders must extend a minimum of 900mm above the surface and be secured by tying off or by a worker holding the ladder.
HTMLText_E3285449_C1D6_E176_41D9_7347C85DAAAB.html =
Refer to: 2.1

Where excavations are over 1.5m in depth or there is potential for collapse, suitable protective systems must be in place to prevent collapse and protect workers.
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Untitled 3